Talking with the Secretary Education of Indonesian Literature
Ashari Hidayat, M.Hum , born at May 28th , 1977 in Sleman. He graduated from S1 indonesian literature Diponegoro University, S2 Linguistic Gadjah Mada University, Right now he works in Jendral Soedirman University as a Lecturer Indonesian Literature. In addition he also served as a Secretary Education of Indonesia literature in Jendral Soedirman University.
As a lecturer and Secretary Education, He has a responsibility to help the Chief Coordinator to develop the curriculum Indonesian Literature. During he served as Secretary Education of indonesian Literature, he didn't find any difficulty during his tenure as a Secretary Education of Indonesian Literature."Every job or work has risks, so i do it as my responsibilities and i enjoy it" said Mr.Ashari when he interviewed in his office.(Tuesday,June 7th,2016)
As a Secretary Education of Indonesian Literature, Mr Ashari has some desire for his students after they graduated from Jendral Soedirman University especially for Indonesian Literature studies program. First, He wants his students can be an Analysis and Practitioner Language. it means he wants his students adept at writing and speak oral language. Second, he wants his students can be useful for people. it means after graduated from their school, they can easily finding a job in literature such as Novelist, Journalist , Writer, or Teacher. Last, he wants his students have good attitude, manners and good sense of humor.